[SIGNING OFF] is the fifty-first and final file of the Princeton Tapes, and the eighteenth and final file on Tape 3, which was found by Rabbit #061 (Discord user DixieWolf) in Box #7 on 31 December 2018.
[We hear Vince breathing heavily.]
Vince: [hushed] Who was that? How… How did he know... exactly... how I felt? I knew it, I knew there was something wrong. I knew that the Vincent that Roger had been investigating, the Vincent we saw at Stockton... It was just too much to be a coincidence. And then the Fairmount Home. [He sighs.]
If this is true, if what this guy’s saying... This fucking voice over the wire... means that I’m someone else’s pawn. [He exhales quickly.] And that weird- the weird dream state, the dreams, the sleepwalking, whatever it is, the man with no face… He is trying to get me to make contact with someone, to make a meaningful connection, to spread, to get power. [He sighs.]
I guess at least, if nothing else, I stopped Roger from releasing his zine. So I might’ve stopped the four people who read it from getting tangled up in this. [Mutters] Jesus.
[A long pause.]
I knew there was something wrong. Something wrong with me. [Pause.] When I picked up that phone it was... it was sort of like the haze, like I wasn’t in control. And... I don't know... I just froze, and it happens when I’m awake... now... and I can’t let this happen to anyone else. [Hushed] Fuck. [Raising in tone] Fuck!
There’s a table to my left. [Pause.] There’s a clock with broken hands. [Pause.]
There’s also a basket, wrapped in cellophane, with ribbon. [Pause.] It’s a gift basket. [Pause.] It’s filled with pills. I’m not sure what kind. [Pause.] There's a note attached.
[A long pause.]
It says: “The gift of knowledge is one that he’ll wanna take back. Do us all a favor."
[A long pause.]
I guess he’s right. [Pause.] It’s the only way… that I can protect other people. The only way that I can protect myself. [Pause.]
I guess I’m, uh, I guess I’m signing off. [Ends.]
External links[]
- YouTube Video compilation of the Tape 3 audio files.