EverymanHYBRID Wiki
EverymanHYBRID Wiki

[SHOPPING] is the fourteenth file of the Princeton Tapes received by Reddit/Discord user TheSharp0ne on February 21, 2018.


[We hear the ambience of a store: cash registers, announcements, products being scanned.]

Vince: Man. I guess sometimes you just have to get out and be surrounded by people. It’s especially true when it feels like those closest to you just... abandon you. You know? Fuck. Even if you’re all strangers, at least you’re... together. We are supposed to be social creatures, right? Isn’t that the phrase?

Alright, let’s uh.. See here. What do I have on my list? [Vince sighs and rustles his grocery list.] Milk... alright, cereal... let’s back up. [Vince crumples his grocery list, and talks quietly to himself as he shops.] Perfect. Cereal, cereal, cereal... Alright, what about something fresh. Apples maybe? Yeah.

[We hear plastic bags being rustled, and Vince's slow footsteps.]

Vince: What else.. Ah, Flintstone vitamins, gotta get those. Holy shit, I’m tired. Ah well. At least the Phillies won.

