EverymanHYBRID Wiki
EverymanHYBRID Wiki

According to The Princeton Tapes, Roger was the lead editor of the Princeton University magazine Inquisitive Finds, a publication inspired by cryptozoologyHis magazine contained an article called 'Ashen Waste', which discussed the Mining Town Four. Box #7 revealed that as the editor and a student, he also knew Princeton Vince and Linnie, the latter of whom was the sub-editor of Inquisitive Finds.

During tape three of the Princeton Tapes [MEET THE CRYPTIDS/STARGAZING], Roger's initial words to Vince were "You know, if I see somebody talking into tape recorders by themselves about UFOs, I usually think, 'Hey, they're my kinda people,' you know what I mean?" As the conversation between the two continues, Vincent tells Roger about seeing a strange ball of light while driving at night. Apparently despite both of them visiting New Hope, Lambertville, they were both coming down from Princeton itself. Vincent remarks on this being a bit strange, but Roger himself doesn't think much of it. Roger and Vince keep in contact after this initial meeting.

Connection to Roger Paladino[]

It is possible that the Roger in the Princeton tapes is Roger Paladino, a police officer who authored a victim account on Canyouseethewords once HABIT had taken control of it. The victim account suggests Roger Paladino hunted other supernatural creatures, which correlates with Princeton Roger's interest in cryptozoology. If this were the case, Roger was likely killed by HABIT in 2004 after tracking him for five years.

