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[MEET THE CRYPTIDS] is the thirty-sixth file of the Princeton Tapes, and the third file on Tape 3, which was found by Rabbit #061 (Discord user DixieWolf) in Box #7 on 31 December 2018.


Vince: So I’ve been, uh, doing some research, ever since I saw that light a couple days ago. Um, and I think I’m gonna take a trip. There’s two towns right on the border between New Jersey and Pennsylvania about 35 minutes from where I am. They apparently have some sort of pagan, paranormal, witchy...stuff going on there. It’s pretty accepted there, and, uh, they have storefronts there for god’s sake, so I’m gonna see if I can just find anybody to talk to about either the naked ass dog, or the hovering, disappearing sun. Geez. Um, so yeah that’s-that’s my plan I’m gonna take this along with me obviously, uh, and I will report back any information. For nobody, I guess. All this stuff is crazy. You go to get better somewhere and… anyway I uh, will, see what I can do. 

Vince: So I am uh, just, a big old idiot. I am here in the New Hope, Lambertville area, uh, and I came here because there is a big like witchy paranormal research sort of scene here somewhere, uh, I don’t know why I assumed that there would just be someone on every street corner ready to help me out with my um, my light problem. Um, but there’s not. There’s not at all. Really really good coffee though um, lots of coffee shops and it’s really really scenic actually, it’s beautiful, right on the river, um, shit. I guess I’m kinda back at square one so I’m gonna go home, maybe check out the library, I don’t know kinda get my ground and like figure out what is going on with these two things that I keep seeing. And uh, go from there but maybe it wasn’t even a UFO maybe I just saw a low-flying plane and was like freaked out from the other thing and-

Roger: Hey, ‘scuse me, ‘scuse me hey, hi sorry, um, sorry I heard you say something about uh UFOs a second ago and y’know if I see somebody talking into tape recorders by themselves about UFOs I usually think ‘Hey! They’re my kinda people’ you know what I mean? 

Vince: I- I guess, uh, who are you?

Roger: Oh um, I uh, so I- I- I- I’m a editor um, the head editor at a uh, a little zine over at Princeton, um, it’s all about um, my name’s Roger by the way, sorry, uh-

Vince: Nice to meet ya. 

Roger: Um, it is, we’ve mainly focused on like um, y’know kind of generally paranormal type things uh, quote unquote paranormal obviously uh, my, uh, my- my specialties more in the cryptozoology side of things but we- we tend to uh, maybe get a Ufologist in or something whenever it’s a slow news day maybe, um, so, um, is there- did you happen to see something recently? Like um-

Vince: So, yes. I think? Alright I’m just gonna tell you, you may think I’m crazy, uh, but, hell.

Roger: Try me.

Vince: Fine, sure. About a week ago, I was driving home, I live right around the Princeton area I’m just outside of Princeton. Um, so it’s funny that I came all the way out here only to meet somebody back from Princeton but whatever. Uh, so I’m driving and all the sudden in the sky, really low and really bright, a light seemingly out of nowhere, I didn’t see anything like coming my way it just kinda “poof” and then was there um, and then all the sudden it kinda- so I’m driving lets say I’m driving North, it’s going South, it stands still for a minute and then starts going South and then it’s gone.

Roger: Was it just one light? Or was it several? Sort of like in a cluster maybe or?

Vince: Nnn- No, you know it was like one big, bright light?

Roger: Ok, ok.

Vince: And it sort of it- it radiated so far though it almost like lit up the whole sky that I could see. 

Roger: How did it move do you remember did it kind of like have like a, more like a vertical trajectory and then stop, perhaps? Or did it kind of move in like an arc? Because sometimes they can kind of, y’know kinda, they’ll- they’ll zip off one way and then they’ll stop and then people will be like “oh what’s that” and then they’ll zip the other way and then “oh- oh I need to get out my camera” and then the next thing you know it’s gone! You know? So, sometimes y’know th- there’s- there’s- they- they vary a little bit so I don’t know uh, do- do you remember anything more specific than that, or?

Vince: It definitely- it wasn’t- [He exhales.] it wasn’t vertical but I don’t know if it had an arc or if it was just going straight- [He exhales.] I- I can’t remember.

Roger: Well it’s something it’s something, y’know? Um, so yeah we’ve uh we’ve- we’ve got several people on staff who specialise in uh, in that kind of thing y’know? 

Vince: Cool.

Roger: Um. Sometimes, sometimes they say it’s um, uh, uh, uh, military testing which sometimes it is. Sometimes it is, don’t get me wrong but sometimes maybe it isn’t, so, we’re- we’re- we are the o- we’re more curious about the- the- the latter situation so, if you have any, any questions or concerns or uh, y’know-

Vince: Yeah, y-yeah, oh!

Roger: Or need help uh, with anything in that vein please don’t hesitate to give us a call or give me a- give me a call do- do you have like a piece of paper or something? I can give you my information.

Vince: Uhhhhh, yeah y-yeah here and my name is Vin by the way, you said you were Roger?

Roger: Yes, that’s right, yes.

Vince: Cool.

Roger: Sorry I was-

Vince: Yeah, no-

Roger: -getting a little ahead of myself, hundred miles an hour, sorry.

Vince: It is alright, yeah no I will absolutely give you guys a call um, is this- is this a you number or is this gonna be to your- your office?

Roger: This is a me number. So-

Vince: Perfect.

Roger: -uh, any time-

Vince: Right.

Roger: -generally speaking.

Vince: Huh.

Roger: Alright.

Vince: Awesome, alright I will absolutely be giving you a call uh, and there’s some other stuff I might wanna talk about later, um, but- but I’ll be in touch for sure. For sure. 

Roger: Won- Wonderful, looking forward to hearing from ya. 

Vince: Yeah, thanks- thanks Roger. Talk to you soon.

Roger: Absolutely, see ya.


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