Finding Fairmount. is the eightieth video in the EverymanHYBRID series. It was uploaded June 5th, 2018.
Youtube Description[]
Your go-to source for the happy & healthy lifestyle on a budget!
[The video opens on some rubble in the abandoned building from Cops Checked, No Body, then pans up to show Jeff as Vince starts talking.]
Vince: What do you think? Could this be what they meant?
Jeff: If this is what the card’s hinting at then.. I don't know what we’re supposed to be looking for.
Vince: I don't know what we’re supposed to be looking for either-
Jeff: I mean, I would imagine that this is it! Where else with-
Vince: I don't know
Jeff: -with fires do we know, dude.
Vince: This is the only place I can think of, Lambertville and- and your school are the only places I can think of that burned down around here that would have anything to do with this.
[Cut to Vince, seemingly from the episode March 21st.]
Vince: Um... I have a crazy idea. And I don't think he's gonna like it.
[Cut to Corenthal's storage container from The Corenthal Connection (Jessie's back) as the crew rummages around. Evan sets down a box at Vince's feet. Vince opens it and takes out a tape as Jeff, Evan, and Jessie talk in the background.]
Jessie: This feels a little weird to me.
Vince: Well, you gotta do what you gotta do.
[A slight cut to Vince holding a few papers, still in the storage container.]
Vince: There's letters in here from the 90s, '71-
[Another cut. Vince is holding the black box device.]
Evan: A rocking horse.
Vince: [indicating the device] I don't even know what to make of this right now.
Evan: That's weird.
[The camera pans over to the rocking horse moving on its own.]
Evan: I mean that's just creepy, there's no need for that.
[Cut back to Vince in the setting of March 21st.]
Vince: I mean we're not really- we're not getting anywhere. We're not learning anything, and we feel like we're just sitting ducks at this point.
[Cut to more footage from Cops Checked, No Body. All dialogue is the same, but the image is clearer than in the original video.]
Jessie: He was some sort of doctor, I don't know what he did. I mean, my mom never talked to him.
Vince: Did you ever hear of-
Jessie: She was like his half-sister, so they weren't really close.
Vince: Was he ever in Ohio? He ever at a- the children's home?
[Shot of Vince in March 21st.]
Vince: I mean, it's better than nothing, right? I- I don't know. What do you guys think? [he gestures to the camera] Honestly. Am I nuts?
[The video cuts to black for a few seconds, then comes back to a shot of current Vince driving to a stop. He stops and stays silent for a moment.]
Vince: [small chuckle] I... am nuts. I drove all the way to Fairmount- to fucking Ohio. On what? [sighs] Fuck. Well, guess I'm here. [he takes his keys out of the car] So. [he opens the car door and steps out as the screen goes black for a few seconds.]
[The video resumes with Vince walking towards a gap in a fence.]
Vince: Here we are. Can't believe I fucking made it. [he steps through the gap and onto a dirt path] This is the site of the Fairmount Home. I'm following these tapes. [camera pans down to the recorder with all of The Princeton Tapes on it in his hand. A car honks in the distance.] I'm gonna play this, because this is what actually brought me here.
Doctor Peters: [on the tapes] Yes?
Princeton Vince: Doctor Peters?
Peters: Yes.
Princeton Vince: Hi, my name is Vin, we spoke on the phone- I'm not sure if you remember me.
Peters: Oh, yes, of course, Vincent. It's a pleasure to finally meet you.
Princeton Vince: Nice to meet you too.
Vince: [talking over the tape] Gotta find a way in.
Princeton Vince: First I wanna say thanks, for agreeing to this meeting. Um, I'm writing an article about your new wing-
Vince: [talking over the tapes again] It looks like this happened on the main campus, so.
Peters: Ah yes, we repurposed our old children's wing in order to facilitate the influx of veterans from Desert Storm.
Princeton Vince: I'm actually glad that you brought up the children's ward, um. I have a few questions, just about the history of the ward in general, because your facility has always spear-headed, um. Mental health applications.
Peters: Yes, yes, we take great pride in that.
Princeton Vince: Particularly, I would like to ask a few questions about a Doctor James Corenthal? Just to start. Um, I know he was at one point under your employment-
Peters: Yes, he was, but he is no longer, uh. We do not associate ourselves with him.
Princeton Vince: And, uh, why is that?
Peters: Is this why you came here?
Vince: I think I'm gonna try and get in through there. [points]
Peters: To ask me about Doctor Corenthal?
Princeton Vince: No. No, not at all- that's part of it. I- I thought we could start with the history and then work our way up-
Peters/HABIT: You're a determined little cunt, aren't you?
Vince: [zooming in on a building] See that? I think that's the main building.
Princeton Vince: E- excuse me?
Vince: I think that's the children's-
Peters/HABIT: [voice raspy and slightly aggressive] You heard me. [the tape ends]
[Vince stops walking.]
Vince: What..? The fuck was that? [he shows the camera the recorder] Okay so this thing- [he pans away and to the ground] Um. I listened to this tape... I don't know, four or five times before I got here. [he zooms in on the building again] Um. And you guys heard by now, I played it for you. The man who calls himself "Vin" he. He died in that- in that entry. Um. He had a seizure- I- I've never heard this one before, and there's nothing else on here. [he pans back to the ground, then up again to the building] Alright either- either way, um- I'm gonna put this away for now- the recorder- and I'm gonna go in.
[He starts making his way towards the building. It then cuts to him closer now, still walking towards it.]
Vince: What the fuck.. [he zooms in on the graffiti all over the building] Look at this fuckin' place. This is where it all started. [takes a deep breath and slows to a stop in front of the stairs leading inside, then zooms in on the doorway and back out again] Alright, here we go. [he walks forward]
[Cut to the inside of the building. Vince pans the camera around the room]
Vince: I'm sorry I'm sh- I'm shaking, this is uh. [walks through a doorway and stands there as he talks] It's one of those things where... You feel like, y'know, when your favorite shopping mall closes down, and you look at the abandoned building. And all the memories are there but... it's not the same? It's... I've never been here but... It feels like home.
[Cut to a shot of outside through a window, then back inside as Vince turns around and heads farther into the building]
Vince: Alright. I've made it this far. I don't know what I need to find here, but. The entries were from Vinny, and I'm Vinny, and I'm gonna figure out what the fuck is- [distortion/static is heard from the recorder starting up again in Vince's bag] What the fuck- [he takes it out of his bag as Princeton Vince starts talking]
Princeton Vince: [breathing heavily] Okay.
Vince: No. That was it! The last one-
Princeton Vince: There is something, seriously fuckin' wrong with this place. I can't find anybody.
Vince: The last one-
Princeton Vince: I can't find anybody.
Vince: That was the last one. [he starts walking forward again]
Princeton Vince: The doctor he- he came after me.
Vince: I've never heard this before.
Princeton Vince: So I ran. Fuck- and I look back. And he's bleeding from everywhere, his eyes- they're just... They're filled with blood. I gotta- I gotta get out of here.
[Cut to a silent shot of Vince walking towards what seems to be a hospital. The camera/cameraman is hidden behind a pillar and the footage is silent and relatively desaturated. Vince walks in a seemingly relaxed manner, unaware that he is being followed. Vince pauses in his walk and the cameraman hides behind a pillar until he starts to walk forward again, and he enters the building without looking back again.]
[Back to Vince at Fairmount, the camera is pointed down at the recorder.]
Princeton Vince: Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, c'mon c'mon [heavy breathing]
Vince: [pans up to the window at the end of the room, revealing four twine dolls, similar to the ones seen in Two thousand three hundred ninety-five] What the fuck are these? [zooms in as he walks towards them, Princeton Vince continues breathing heavily in the recording] No, no no no no. Not these fuckers again. [the camera makes a pass over the dolls, showing that one seems to be burned and another bloody]
Princeton Vince: [footsteps approach] Oh shit-
Peters/HABIT: Children in the woods, lost and alone. The tree spits out no blood, no bone. [tape ends]
Vince: [leans back from the dolls on the window sill] This wasn't something I was sent. This fuckin' thing went off in my backpack. [he holds up the recorder] There were no other recordings, we listened to them all.
Jeff (?): [as the image tears] Vinny.
[Vince pans to the door as the video becomes distorted and freezes for a second before resuming, still heavily distorted as Vince walks into the hall, but with no sound as he moves.]
Vince: -the fuck out of here. [audio cuts again as Jeff is seen walking out of a room just behind Vince and past him, not acknowleding him as he enters a room across the hall. Vince freezes as Jeff crosses the hall, and then he leans back into the room with the dolls to find them gone from the window as the audio is restored and glitching stops.] No. Where the fuck did you go? [he leans out the window to check if they fell outside and glitching pops back up, ending as he marches out of the room.]
Vince: I'm not getting trapped here. I'm not this Vinny, I'm getting answers, and I'm getting out. I'm getting answers, and I am getting the fuck out.
[Cut to Vince walking outside.]
Vince: Alright, so there was nothing in this building of use. Um, I don't know what the fuck- [he shows the camera the recorder again] - is up with this. You heard what I heard. This Vinny guy had a stroke, or a seizure, or something, they pronounced him dead. [briefly looks at the recorder again] There was nothing after that. What was on those tapes- I recorded onto here, from the files that were sent to me. There was no- there was no Doctor Peters conversation like that. It didn't end like that. I keep seeing Jeff. I know he's still trying to lure me. I've never felt this alone.
[Cut to Vince still walking. He stops and points over to a building that can just be seen between some trees.]
Vince: There's a building back there, in the trees. Don't know if you can see it. I'm gonna try and walk up this hill and get inside. Um. I'm still looking for the main campus- I think I'm getting closer and closer in, uh. [He zooms in on the building] [whispering] God, I hope there's something up there.
[Cut to Vince walking beside a building and down a long path. A dark doorway can be seen at the end.]
Vince: Yeah... Something- [the camera moves around as a group of birds are disrupted and fly overhead, causing Vince to anxiously look around him before continuing] Something does not feel right... about the abyss- [he zooms in on the dark entrance at the end of the path] - in front of me. [He slows to a stop and zooms in further.] ... Yeah, no. [he turns away and starts walking down another path] No thank you.
[Cut to Vince walking more]
Vince: Alright I'm gonna go- gonna go to one of these outer buildings. Uh- something about that main building that I did not feel right about. Gonna follow my gut- it lead me this far.
[Cut to a different shot of woods. Vince moves the camera around the path and then turns around to show the building behind him as he speaks.]
Vince: Alright, we're here. We're somewhere. [breathes out] Let's take a look. Let's see what's going on with this doctor. [walks up the stairs, stepping over debris] Oop, don't wanna cut myself. [steps inside] Let's try downstairs first maybe? [he takes a couple of steps down, but stops when he hears the black box device go off slightly, then turns back around.] Nah.. Let's try upstairs. [He walks up the stairs, panning around the room] [under his breath] Wow... so this is it huh? [He turns and starts up another flight of stairs when the recorder goes off again.] No.
Princeton Vince: [breathing heavily] Oh fuck, oh fu- Okay.
Vince: Another one.
Princeton Vince: There's somethin seriously fuckin' wrong with this place.
[Another shot of Vince from behind, now inside the hospital, which plays as the audio continues over it.]
Vince: This just goes off in my pocket. This one.
Princeton Vince: I can't find anybody. I can't find anybody. The doctor he- he came after me. So I ran. And I look back, and he's bleeding from everywhere.
[The Vince in the hospital that's being followed stops and looks out the window, and the cameraman hides behind something. It then cuts back to our Vince, exploring Fairmount, still walking up the stairs.]
Princeton Vince: His eyes are just- they're just filled with blood. Oh god. I gotta get out of here. I gotta go. S- so I- I must have got turned around because I thought I was- I thought I was running towards the exit. Thought I was running towards the exit- um, the way that I came in, but uh- I think I'm in a different wing. I think he's- [Loud creaking sound] Oh, shit, oh shit oh shit oh shit, c'mon, c'mon!
Vince: [turns to see three twine dolls on the floor] Ah, fuck. [one dolls is burned, another bloodied, and the last dirty]
Princeton Vince: Okay-
Peters/HABIT: Children in the woods, lost and alone. The tree spits out no blood, no bone.
[The tape ends and Vince turns the camera on himself. He still has the wound and bandage on his temple from The drive west. and some blood has dripped down his face. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, then starts forward again.]
Vince: Okay. I don't know what's going on- [he ducks his head to look at something out of frame and then looks up again]- it says we're now at the end. [He makes a pained expression, presumably due to the cut on his head.] Ah, fuck! I just... Just need to keep going. I just need to keep going. [He turns the camera back around and continues down the stairs.]
[Arguing can be heard and the image distorts heavily as Vince slows down.]
Princeton Evan: I don't care where, you just need to stay here so that I don't lose it. The way this shit's going, there's shit everywhere. [Jeff says something in response] Okay! And we survived, alright, and you can do that!
Vince: [whispering] Is that Jeff?
Princeton Evan: It's morning now.
Princeton Jeff: Yeah-
Princeton Evan: I mean, just stay out during the day-
Vince: [still whispering] Is that HABIT?
Princeton Evan: - don't fuck around at night and we'll be fine.
Princeton Jeff: I just don't know where to go.
Princeton Evan: Look, I know this is scary. [he becomes muffled as Vince messes around with his backpack] - if Vinny died then we-
Vince: [takes the black box device out of his backpack and swings the pack onto his shoulder again] Got it, alright.
Princeton Evan: I know, I know, listen-
Vince: [showing the camera the wound on his finger] Ah, that's gonna get infected. [he holds out the device in front of him as he walks towards the voices] Alright, I'm just gonna get out of here.
Princeton Jeff: [muffled] it's okay.
Princeton Evan: - it's not okay!
Princeton Jeff: We'll fight it-
Princeton Evan: You can't fight it, you can't fight it.
Vince: [under his breath] Okay, okay.
Princeton Jeff: You can fight it, use your survival instincts, instead of-
Vince: [the device emits a ticking] Ah, fuck! [He turns and heads down more stairs and towards the voices as distortion picks up and the footage becomes desaturated. The audio cuts for a moment but resumes, along with color.] Okay... [The footage distorts again as Vince walks forward, Jeff and Evan's voices becoming clearer as he gets close.]
Princeton Jeff: Like you said- we're gonna stay here. We're gonna stay here and fight.
Princeton Evan: Listen- I can fight. But I'm gonna fight everything, you understand? If you stay here, that means you too. What's gonna stop me from gutting you? What's gonna stop me from caving your fucking head in with a rock- [growling] god-
Vince: [peaks around the corner to see Evan and Jeff arguing in the hall] Fuck! [moves back behind the wall]
Princeton Evan: [growling] - and death!
Princeton Jeff: You said-
Princeton Evan: Please just- [the audio cuts] It doesn't matter. [Vince walks back into the hall as Evan hangs in head and wraps his hands around the back of his neck.] I can't do it, I can't do it, I can't do it- [Jeff puts his hands on Evan's shoulders and Evan pushes him away and back into the wall] Get the fuck away from me, man! [Evan leans back against the wall as Vince steps between them]
Vince: Excuse me, excuse me-
Princeton Evan: I'm gonna bash your fuckin' head in!
Princeton Jeff: [Evan walks towards Jeff again as Vince makes it out the door] Just breathe- just fuckin' breathe, Evan! C'mon!
[Cut to Vince running away from the building.]
Vince: Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck- [the footage glitches heavily until it cuts to black for a second, then comes back to Vince slowing to a stop on a path] No no no no no [the image glitches again] Gonna take a minute. He's everywhere. He's everywhere. [the recorder beeps and turns on again] What's this?
Princeton Vince: I am currently hiding under a desk in an office that...
Vince: [Talking over the tape] This again, huh?
Princeton Vince: ...looks like Doctor Peters' office. Um... except that it's not.
Vince: See what I have to say.
Princeton Vince: Everything looks old. This part of the building doesn't look like its been used in decades. This place is like a labyrinth.
Vince: I think this way. [heads down a path]
Princeton Vince: The farther I go in, the older and more desolate everything looks.
Vince: Yeah, yeah. It's quiet this way. [starts walking down a path with an entrance at the end.]
Princeton Vince: And uh. This looks just like Doctor Peters' office. I-it- the chair is the same, the papers on the desk are the same. Older, but they're the same. I'm just waiting for the bleeding man to leave. I think he's in the nurses station. He's using the intercom- he just keeps saying the same poem, over and over. He's gonna find me.
Vince: Here we go.
Princeton Vince: And I'm not sure what he's gonna do when he does. Shh, shh shh-
Vince: Okay, this is definitely it.
Princeton Vince: [intercom beeps] Listen. Listen- He's coming back on. Gonna get out.
Peters/HABIT: The angels call from failure unseen, find freedom within the angels upticking.
Princeton Vince: What the fuck does he want? It's- it's not even Doctor Peters anymore, he- he. It's- it's more than the blood.
Vince: [to himself as he steps inside the builiding] Okay.. Alright.
Princeton Vince: It's the way he walks. When I was hiding before, I could see his feet. They were making loud, heavy footsteps, but they were... barely touching the ground. It's... This place is fucked up. I'm not sure if I'm getting out.
Vince: Oh shit, oh sh- [the audio cuts and the footage distorts as Vince turns around and spots Slenderman in the doorway behind him. He runs down the hall as the black box device ticks.]
Princeton Vince: I hope these tapes do. Jesus... There's a lockbox-
Vince: There's a what? [He stops and turns back to the room he just ran out of]
Princeton Vince: -in his office. It's- it's weird-
Vince: Oh f- Fuck. No way. [he spots a black box on the ground and runs over to it]
Princeton Vince: It's too new. It's the only thing that, you walk in and it catches your eye, because it still gleams black. And not a dull black either, or [...] black, it's just jet black.
Vince: Alright. [he sets the camera and lock box on the window sill as the footage glitches. He rummages around in his backpack for a moment] Fuck fuck fuck. [he begins unlocking the box] Lock box, huh? [he messes with the lock] Ah, fuck- c'mon, c'mon you- Fuck, you fuckin' bitch. There's one. [he starts unlocking the second lock as the footage and audio glitches heavily] Fuck. Fuck me. Something good gotta be in here! Oh, shit. [the audio cuts and footage glitches. Vince leans to the side slightly and Slenderman is just seen behind him.] Fuck, got it. [He opens the lockbox and takes out a few papers inside] Oh, fuck. Yes. [he turns and spots Man behind him] Oh shit! [scoops up his backpack and camera, then runs out of the room.]
[The screen cuts to black for a few seconds, then comes back to Vince running down a hall and slowing to a walk once the device stops ticking.]
Vince: [out of breath] Okay, okay. Alright, okay. We're slowing down. We're slowing down.
[There's a couple of jump cuts as Vince catches his breath, then he walks into another room.]
Vince: Shhhh.
[He turns around]
Vince: I'm starting to figure this thing out. [clears throat] If it ticks a lot, I'll run. If it ticks a little bit, I fucking hide. And when it stops, I can rest. Ok good. Good. [he pans over to show the foliage outside for a moment and then back inside]
Peters/HABIT: Poisoned thoughts thou art to play, find friends and make them stay.
[Vince spots 12 twine dolls on the ground in a circle and makes his way over to them]
Princeton Vince: What do you want? Get the fuck away from me! WHAT do you WANT!
Vince: I almost prefer the ticking at this point.
[The camera pans around the dolls and zooms on one that has been decapitated]
[Pained heavy breathing is heard from the tape recorder along with hissing and static]
[Vince breathes out almost at the same time as Princeton Vince]
Princeton Vince: Ugh... it's been, ah.. it looks like seven days...fuck! [Breathes in] I can't move my arm. Uh... [Three pained fast breaths] huh,I guess I found out what he would do if he got me.
[While the tape keeps going,Vinny takes out and looks at a map,to understand where he should go next]
[Noises are heard in the tape]
Princeton Vince: Time doesn't make sense. I look out, and- [Breathes in] it's morning, and then back and it's- it's- it's night...Ugh.
[Vince points at a place in the map]
Princeton Vince: Ugh, this cut is nasty.
[Vince takes out another paper sheet that is full of symbols as Princeton Vince takes a few deep breaths.]
Princeton Vince: I'm in some sort of basement. Um.. There's only one door, and no windows, so I'm going to... Oh, Christ I... I'm just tired. I just need to rest.
[Black box device starts ticking]
Vince: Oh fuck. [He gets up] Fuck fuck. [The image becomes distorted] Ok, come on you fuck.
[A loud, droning alarm starts sounding and a deep growl is heard. Slenderman can be seen through the distortion . Vince starts running. The image returns to normal for a few seconds before cutting to black.]
[Cut to Vince standing outside the building looking at a pitch black doorway. He walks forward a few steps. The black box device ticks slowly.]
Vince: Alright, I'm back here again. This thing's going off again?
[He points the black box device at the path behind him and it ticks slowly. He points it at the doorway into the building and it is silent. He points it at the path again, and it ticks again]
Vince: Spooky black hole it is. [He walks through the doorway]
[There are a few cuts of Vince walking around the building. He holds the black box device in front of the camera, but it is silent]
Vince: Fasting on the tick… [very quiet] for the love of goodness. Another dead end. Part of me just thinks taking a dive out the window might be the best option. Maybe not through that spider, but... Not that it even matters anyway.
[There is a cut, after which the footage is slightly desaturated, and echoey atmospheric noises play. He turns to walk out of the room. He pans up at some graffiti above the door: "JUST LIKE ALL THOSE TIMES BEFORE". He looks left to see Jeff looking agitated, and right to see Evan, holding a knife and looking angry as if he is looking to fight someone. Neither seem aware that either Vince or each other are there. Vince turns behind him to see another Vince walking towards him. The Vince holding the camera backs away and shuts the door on him. The footage turns to slow-mo for a second or two before cutting to black, then cuts to more footage of Vince walking through the building.]
Vince: Fuck me. Fuck Jeff. Fuck Evan. Fuck everything.
[He holds the black box device out, and it ticks slowly]
Vince: Okay. Alright, okay. [He turns around] Fuck, I'm back! Okay. Maybe this way? Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah. Good. Alright. Can I just jump out?
[He approaches a window on the right, as the black box device starts ticking again]
Vince: No. Fuck!
[He holds the black box device at the doorway in front of him. It is silent. He sighs and carries on walking. He approaches a door with graffiti on it that reads: "PROM With Me?"]
Vince: Looks like I'm going to prom.
[Cut to Vince in another room looking at his map]
Vince: It's been seven hours, and the ticking has stopped for the most part. He hasn't been near the building and I'm not fucking sure why. He could fucking get me. I know it. He's just fucking with me. But, I'm trying to get up as high as I can to see where I am. [He crawls through a small hole in the wall to some stairs leading up] There's no sign of Doctor Peters. I haven't found an office.
[He sees a doorway leading out of the building]
Vince: Oh perfect. Let's see where we are. Let's see where we are. Spiders. Oh, okay. Perfect. Perfect. [He sees the number "306" written on the ground] Building 306. Let's see. Let's see.
[He approches the edge of the roof and looks out over it. Comparing with his map]
Vince: Fuck. Fuck me. This map doesn't even make fucking sense.
[He turns and walks back towards the building]
Vince: There's gotta be another building. There's gotta be.
[He stops just outside the doorway]
Vince: Let me find my flashlight. Perfect. Let's check out some of these rooms. Before we go back down.
[He looks around the room]
Vince: Let's just use this bad boy. [He steps on some glass, which cracks under his feet]. Okay.
[He approaches another doorway leading to the roof. The black box device starts ticking. He backs away from it.]
Vince: Alright, the view's no good.
[He spots a symbol drawn on one of the walls]
Vince: Wait a second... Where have I seen th- Holy shit!
[He takes out one of the pieces of paper with various symbols drawn on it. He focuses the camera on the matching symbol]
Vince: The fucking North Star. Let's go see this.
[A tape starts playing. The sound of a pen on paper can be heard in the background of the tape.]
Princeton Vince: Lock it in the box to start again, a million lives, a million ends...
Vince: Oh shit.
[Vince pans down to look at a drawing of Slenderman on a piece of paper on the floor]
Princeton Vince: [His voice becomes scratchy] Lock it in the box to start again, a million lives, a million ends.
[He moves the Slenderman drawing out of the way, revealing another pieces of paper with another North Star symbol drawn on it. From this point the tape is the same one heard at the end of The drive west]
Princeton Vince: [Crying] I should have never come to this... fuck! [More crying]
[Vince turns the camera around to show his face.]
Princeton Vince: Oh god, oh god. I'm so... Someone. Someone help me. Somebody help! Somebody come, please! Come and help me! [Heavy sobbing] Buckets? Why is there buckets? Buckets, from the sewers...
[Vince turns the camera round again to look at the third piece of paper on the floor. It shows a drawing of a strange monstrous looking figure. Various piece of writing are around the drawing: "Can't live after losing that much blood", "He doesn't sleep, he doesn't eat, he doesn't stop. this can't be real. None of this can be real. I find myself going over prayers in my head. I don't want to die.", "How can he see me. He has no eyes" "Sometimes I can hear hear him smelling for me.]
Princeton Vince: Why can nobody remember? Let me return. I have no return. I'm done with it[?]. I should have never come.
Vince: God damn it.
Princeton Vince: I should never have come. I have nothing[?]. I should never have come.
[Vince looks at the Slenderman drawing again. Text can be seen around it: "I keep thinking of the North Star", "I know he's him[?] I know he's watching"]
Princeton Vince: I feel like I'm gonna die. I think I'm gonna die. [Sobbing] Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Vince: I'm not gonna die.
[Voice are heard behind Vince]
Vince: What the fuck?
Princeton Vince: Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us today–
Peters/HABIT: What... [Gunshot, Vince jumps at the sound] ...don't you see, here?! [Laughter]
Vince: This is where he died.
Princeton Vince: No! Please-!
[The tape ends]
Vince: That's it. It died. It died.
[Cut to black for a few seconds, before cutting back to the same location]
Vince: I'm not gonna die here. [He looks down at the drawings] The North Star. [He taps the drawing of the North Star symbol] This is it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I'm gonna take this [He picks up all three drawings], and I'm gonna use that little device, and I'm getting outta here. I'm not gonna die like he did.
[Cut to black,a low noise that began while vince was talking is heard for a few seconds after]
[Video ends]
![Finding fairmount 29m29s](
The north star symbol, among others, at timestamp 29:29
- When Vince examines a drawing of the north star at 29:28, a number of other symbols are visible, including a Latin upsilon, the peace sign, and the emblem of the Yiga Clan from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
- Throughout the duration of the video, the song Did You See The Words by The Animal Collective can be heard if you speed up the video so that it is 1:56 long, as demonstrated in Audacity.
- As of Introductions, this video would mark the last appearance of Slender Man. Additionally it would mark the last audio appearance of The Rake.