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The following is a transcript of Dr. Corenthal's second report, found in the Bag:

Canton-Massillon Metropolitan Area of Ohio
The Office of Dr. James Corenthal -- Fairmount Children's Home
6774 Union Street NE, Alliance, OH 44601
(330) ###-#### ext. 4352

May 11th, 1971

Doctor Roberts and FCH Evaluations and Discharge
Fairmount Children's Home Admissions Office
6774 Union Street NE, Alliance, OH 44601

Dear Doctor Roberts and FCH Evaluations Dept.,

RE: Decline of Admission of Patient -REDACTED- VINCENT

Roberts, I am sure you are well aware of the current "controversy" that has come over our nursing staff. Of course, I am speaking of the conflicting accommodations regarding the two children, Vincent and Evan, from the mining town. Due to the departure of Dr. Stevens, I am urging you to reconsider the admission of the boy, Vincent. As you know, Stevens was a part of the Post-Traumatic/Sexual Deviation concentration and we are now lacking in such fields. I'll provide a brief reproduction of his admission transcript:

No, sir. The Reverend was a very nice man. What's that? Oh, no. No, he never struck me or any of the others. He was very kind and would always share his stories and jokes with us - me in particular. He had this very small doggy, Badger, and he used to show us pictures after the Sunday services. Ah, Badger. I love puppies, you know, doctor? Well, Reverend Green knew this and can you believe that he wanted us to me - me and Badger! I was so happy. Reverend Green told my parents and of course they said it was okay. I first met Badger on a Sunday afternoon. He was really, really cute, but he had this terrible looking scar over one of his puppy eyes. Little cuts were all over his paws and I felt bad for him. When I told the Reverend, he said not to worry. He'll take Badger to the veterinarian. We watched the puppy scurry around the small patio and yard for a while when the Reverend told me that he had a great game we could play. You know I love games, doctor, so of course I was excited. He asked me if I had ever played Pirates. I was so happy, I began telling him stories about me and Captain Habit. He lit a small candle and told us that we were going to explore a hidden cove. I couldn't wait, doctor . . .

You know where it goes from there, Roberts. You can review the exact dates in his case-file, but this continued for about another year. One evening, Vincent's parents had arrived to pick up their son from the Reverend's house. After knocking for a few minutes, they walked in, finding the door unlocked, and found Vincent playing with a crude foam toy pirate ship. The Reverend was found eviscerated in the other room, in his underwear. Vincent was calm, happy, even. He sat there, horrifying his parents, playing with his toy. When they told him that they had to go, they had to call an ambulance, Vincent stopped smiling and stopped playing entirely. He said "Father, I would make sure it was okay with Man before we did that. He is very, very greedy. Apparently, the Reverend didn't know that Man doesn't share."

We are dealing with much more stress and trauma then we are currently outfitted for. Obviously, the investigation is continuing, but I do not believe that it is very wise at all to accept both patients from that town of ash. The symbolism is almost too fitting.

J. Corenthal Dr. James Corenthal


  • It seems this letter makes a reference to the creepypasta "Candle Cove", when asked on the Ustream if they ever heard of a show like it they started laughing and cracking jokes about watching static.
  • The name Reverend Green is most likely a reference to the Animal Collective Song, "For Reverend Green."


  • This is one of the earliest mentions of HABIT in the series, and also

one of the only times we see inHABITed Vincent
