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EverymanHYBRID Wiki

[COLD TURKEY, a] is the fifth file of the Princeton Tapes received by Reddit/Discord user TheSharp0ne on February 21, 2018.


Vince: Ah, I’ve been looking for this thing, uhm. It is August, uhm, let me see here … 16th. Uhm, things have been going good, uh. I had talked about, in group, having, uhm, this recorder and how I used to talk to you on it for a little bit, uhm, and everyone thought it would probably be a good idea if I picked it back up even though we talk on the phone and, uhm, all that good stuff. To really get back into the swing of things and sort of keep it as, uhm, like a- an emotion journal, more or less, to- to keep things on track and to listen back if I need to- to put things in perspective, so... I think that’s a good idea, I agree with them on that. Uhm. Group is fine so, yes. I’ll do that.

