Box 5 was first mentioned by HABIT in a tweet on March 19th 2011, posted to the EMH Twitter account, then deleted in the style of the phantom tweets: "WE HAVEN'T HAD ANY REAL FUN IN A WHILE, HAVE WE." He followed up with a new set of coordinates: "41.121226, -75.321847 MAKE HASTE, RABBITS." The coordinates point a forest outside Memory Town, PA a place mentioned in the Corenthal letters.
On March 20 2011, UF user Lookbehindyou went to the coordinates and found what he described as a "large treasure chest" with "5/7" scratched on the top of the lid. Much like the previous boxes it was wrapped in purple tape. The tape on the top of the chest formed the familiar EverymanHybrid logo. Lookbehindyou said that the contents were quite numerous and a few hours later began uploading photos to a flickr account.
- A machete with purple tape around the handle.
- A loose deck of playing cards.
- A copy of the "EVERYMAN and other Miracle and Morality Plays," Dover Thrift Edition. Originally wrapped in a trashbag and purple tape. There were papers stapled inside and several pages had handwritten annotations.
- Three matchbox cars (67' Mustang, 71' Charger, and Avant Garde).
- Several gold coins, (toys)
- Corenthal Report dated 12-14-1971
The Cards[]
On the back of several cards were marked the names of the main characters and antagonists, some with an added detail drawn on the front.
- Jeff (Jack of Hearts, with a broken heart drawn on)
- Evan (The Jack of Spades with a dagger and hatchet drawn in)
- Vince (Jack of Clubs with a large eye symbol drawn on)
- Steph (Queen of Clubs, face scratched out)
- 'Man',presumably Slenderman (King of Diamonds)
- Doc (Ace of Hearts)
- HABIT (Joker, with a smiley face drawn on)
EVERYMAN and other Miracle and Morality Plays[]
Main article: Everyman (Play)
Everyman is a medieval play classified as a "Morality Play." It examines the question of Christian salvation by use of allegorical characters, and what Man must do to attain it. The premise is that the good and evil deeds of one's life will be tallied by God after death, as in a ledger book. The play is the allegorical accounting of the life of Everyman, who represents all mankind. All the characters are also allegorical, each personifying an abstract idea such as Fellowship, (material) Goods, Strength and Knowledge. The moral of the play is that all will abandon Everyman on his final journey except Good Deeds and Knowledge, and of the two only Good Deeds will stand beside him at the final judgment.
The edition found in the Treasure Chest had the Corenthal Report dated 12-14-1971 stapled into page 36, and several subsequent pages of the play had been alterred with handwritten text.
The Dramatis Personnae of the play has several new characters hand written in: The Voyeur, The Firebrand, and The Guardian.
The Cards as Tarot[]
The seven playing cards can be interpreted as seven tarot cards. Listed are a brief description and some (fairly) standard meanings. The original cards found in the box were not oriented in any particular order, so it doesn't seem appropriate to note their reverse meanings.
Knight of Cups (Jeff) An unarmed knight bearing a chalice. He is pausing at a stream. He stands for a man more likely to be a messenger or a diplomat than a warrior. Cups are often associated with emotion.
Knight of Swords (Evan) A knight in full charge, sword held high. Depending on his position in a spread, he can signify courage, wrath or destruction in a variety of flavors. Swords are often associated with contemplation and thoughts - whether those thoughts are rash or not is undetermined. This could refer to Evan's increasing paranoia.
Knight of Wands/Staves (Vince) A heavily armored knight riding swiftly. Generally means a change in location but can also mean flight or absence.
Queen of Wands/Staves (Steph) An enthroned queen with a staff in one hand and a sunflower in another. A black cat sits at her feet. Signifies an honest, reliable woman well-disposed to any male card she is placed next to.
King of Pentacles/Coins ('Man', Slenderman?) A king on a black throne adorned with bull's heads. His robe is covered in grapes. One mailed foot rests on an unidentified animal head. Stands for all kinds of intellectual aptitude and success in business, mathematics and intellectual endeavors. Pentacles are often associated with the material world.
Ace of Cups (Doc) A massive chalice pouring water into a large body of water. A dove bearing a host (traditionally a symbol of the Holy Spirit) descends into the chalice. This card is heavy on blessings: nourishment, abundance, joy, house of the true heart.
The Fool (HABIT) The only one of the Major Arcana to survive the translation into standard playing cards, the Fool's number is zero. A wandering youth holds a flower in one hand and a bindle in the other. He looks into the sky, missing the abyss at his feet. A small dog barks at him from one side. Traditional interpretations include folly, frenzy and delirium. This is not neccesarily a bad card - it could be taken to mean that the fool's ignorance of his danger means that he can go after what he wants without fear.
- The contents and style of the presentation recalls the Mining Town Four's pirate and treasure games, as mentioned in the Corenthal Letter dated 2-27-1975.
- The treasure chest may be Corenthal's "old trunk with [the Mining Town Four's] treasures" mentioned in the Corenthal Letter dated 10-27-1981.
- "YOU, TOO, ARE ON THIS SAME. SINKING. VESSEL." was tweeted by HABIT on October 30, 2010.
- Some users said that they see the word "Lyn" in the middle of the logo on the chest. Many thought it stand for Jessalyn or maybe Linnie. It was later realized that it actually said "5/7," sequentially marking it in the style of the other boxes.
- TheEMH Logo was marked with purple tape on top of the chest.
- Lookbehindyou (whose name is revealed to be Mark) makes an appearance in Amuse-Bouche, having been kidnapped by HABIT and Vinny.
- EverymanHYBRID is a complex re-telling of the Everyman story, with the main characters Vince, Evan and Jeff acting as an Everyman hybrid and Slenderman acting as Death himself. If Vince and Jeff are the Voyeur and Guardian, it is implied that both will be killed, one by the sword of justice and another by a fatal blow for defying a god. Thus, the ending of EverymanHYBRID will feature Evan alone, struggling against the sorrow of his mistakes and the tides of destiny and, finally, succumbing to an inescapable fate after begging for forgiveness. These archetypal roles pervade all confrontations with the Slenderman, and all conflicts with him end in death.
- HABIT is not a character in the play but rather, as it describes itself, mankind's bad habit of forsaking and hurting one another. This 'habit' pervades the story of the Everyman, with every trusted ally abandoning the Everyman when he calls upon them for aid and the new characters apparently turning against each other. Thus, the Twitter Fight between HABIT and Slenderman represents the archetypal fight between two plot devices: HABIT fully believes the story is a classic power struggle, one of hatred, pain, and misery, and that he has complete control over the situation, but Slenderman, the physical manifestation of Death, knows that the story is truly about their struggle against and eventual acceptance of fate, the bad HABIT of humanity only a source of drama and frustration in a broader tale of morality.
- Some also believe the Firebrand is meant as Firebrand from TribeTwelve, but since Everyman Hybrids and TribeTwelve are separate series who sometimes coordinate, this should be taken with a spoonful of salt.
- If this identity of Firebrand indeed is Noah Maxwell, Noah will eventually obtain the journal and find that it is useless to him (as material possessions were of no value to Everyman). Upon making this realization, he will follow Jeff's advice in Bridge to Nowhere and kill himself.
The Boxes |
Box 1 · Box 2 · Box 3 · The Bag · Box 4 · Box 5 · Box 6 · Box 7 |