#askEMH - Q&A Chat #7 is the seventh video in the post-ARG beyondEMH series, in which the creators Jeff, Vinnie and Evan answer questions tweeted to the @beyondEMH twitter acount.
YouTube Description[]
Our seventh and final (at least for spooky season) installment of the post-game Q&A! [J] #eightyearsofEMH @beyondEMH on twitter: http://twitter.com/beyondemh @everymanhybrid on youtube: http://youtube.com/everymanhybrid
Source thread for these and where to ask further questions: https://twitter.com/beyondEMH/status/... Further links: Jeffrey's Patreon: https://patreon.com/jeffreykoval Evan's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/zombielovejuice Vin's Patreon (Ritterhaus): https://www.patreon.com/ritterhaus
Questions and answers[]
In progress - transcribing sporadically.
How satisfying was it to finally upload the last video of EMH? (03:55)[]
What your guys' favorite videos/scenes? Least favorite? (08:40)[]
What was the first scene ever filmed and what was the last scene ever filmed for EMH? (12:00)[]
What HABIT's response be to a victim who is constantly sarcastic to him, even when HABIT's killing them? (15:35)[]
What do you guys think about people who complained Slenderman wasn't really that much in the latter part of the series? (23:30)[]
What's your response to viewers who say the SEVEN TRIALS and your guys' side projects slowed the series down? (32:25)[]
You guys used a lot of notable places around your hometown. How much of EMH was a love letter to your home region of Central Jersey? (36:50)[]
How does it feel knowing that indie music fans will always comment "Who is HABIT" in the comments section of Who Could Win a Rabbit? (40:15)[]
Why did you guys chose the route of a fitness series for the story? Where there other ideas you considered doing? (42:05)[]
If you had to write HABIT's death into the series, how would you do it? (52:40)[]
Did you guys ever have problems with writing the fitness stuff due to lack of knowledge? (56:35)[]
How much room do you guys think there is for anymore Slenderman ARGs? (1:00:25)[]
In progress.