#askEMH - Q&A Chat #3 is the third video in the post-ARG beyondEMH series, in which the creators Jeff, Vinnie and Evan answer questions tweeted to the @beyondEMH twitter acount.
YouTube Description[]
Our third installment of the post-game Q&A! [J] #eightyearsofEMH @beyondEMH on twitter: http://twitter.com/beyondemh @everymanhybrid on youtube: http://youtube.com/everymanhybrid
Source thread for these and where to ask further questions: https://twitter.com/beyondEMH/status/... Further links: Jeffrey's Patreon: https://patreon.com/jeffreykoval Evan's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/zombielovejuice Vin's Patreon (Ritterhaus): https://www.patreon.com/ritterhaus
Questions and answers[]
In progress - transcribing sporadically.
Vinnie, what video for you was the most fun to edit? (27:31)[]
Jeff: 77of76?
Vince: No, the apartment video. Apt 3103.
Jeff: I think for me, Finding Fairmount.
Vince: Can I say what was my least favorite? Princeton Tapes.
Jeff: Morse code videos were fun too.
Did you guys have different roles in the beginning, and if not, which one would you like to experience? (33:04)[]
Evan: No, I wouldn't have wanted to play anthing else because when that came into play, it was almost theraputic.
Vince: We allowed each other to take the characters where we wanted.
In progress.