#askEMH - Q&A Chat #1 is the first video in the post-ARG beyondEMH series, in which the creators Jeff, Vinnie and Evan answer questions tweeted to the @beyondEMH twitter acount.
YouTube Description[]
We sat down for the next half hour session of answering your questions about our beloved series, EverymanHYBRID. I found myself cracking up upon reviewing some of these cutaways... we hope you enjoy it as much as we did. [J]
#eightyearsofEMH@beyondEMH on twitter: http://twitter.com/beyondemh
@everymanhybrid on youtube: http://youtube.com/everymanhybrid
Source thread for these and where to ask further questions: https://twitter.com/beyondEMH/status/...Further links:
Jeff's Patreon: https://patreon.com/jeffreykoval
Evan's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/zombielovejuice
Vin's Patreon (Ritterhaus): https://www.patreon.com/ritterhaus
In progress.
[Vince and Evan are sitting on a couch. Jeff walks in from the left and sits down next to Vince.]
Vince: I can light this wonderful candle. [He picks up a candle in a glass from the table in front of him and sniffs it. He then hands it to Evan, who takes it and also sniffs it.]
Jeff: OK. Are you filming?
Evan: It does smell like fall. [He gets up and walks towards the person holding the camera, going off screen.] Smell this. It smells like fall.
Camerawoman: It's nice. It's nice. It's nice. It's nice.
[Evan walks back towards the couch and sits down. He hands the candle back to Vince.]
Evan: Did you smell it, though?
Vince: Did you get the whole smell?
Camerawoman: I got the whole smell.
Jeff: You guys ready?
Vince: Alright, good. [He puts the candle on the table.] Should we do an intro?
Jeff: Yeah, let's do an intro.
Evan: [points towards the camera] I mean, we have been doing an intro.
Vince: Oh.
Evan: It's been recording the whole time.
Vince: OK, let's go.
Jeff: A lot of that's going to be cut.
Vince: No, it's not.
Camerawoman: Right from the (unintelligable).
Evan: [holds his hand up and looks towards Jeff] Wait, wait! Let's do an intro. [He turns towards the camera and claps his hands together in the style of a clapperboard.]
[Jeff claps his hands together, mimicking Evan.]
Vince: (quiet, unintelligible - something about clapping)
Jeff: [He leans forward and points towards Vince's back.] It's a thing, Vinny.
[Evan claps his hands again.]
Jeff: It's a thing on the other side of the show(?).
Evan: [looks into the camera, eyes wide] Hello.
Jeff: We are the EverymanHYBRID crew--
Evan: [interrupting Jeff, putting his hands up towards him] No, no, do you want to-- [He laughs.]
Jeff: [laughing] Stop! I'm going to murder you in cold blood. [He becomes more serious and looks at the camera.] You know us, or you're wasting your time watching this video. I'm Jeff, and this is Vinny...
[Jeff pauses. Evan nods, while Vinny slowly shakes his head as if saying "no". Evan turns his head towards Jeff and Vince looks at Evan.]
Vince: Evan.
Evan: [nods his head towards Jeff, chuckling] I want him to do it.
Jeff: [points his hand towards Evan behind Vince's back] And that's Evan. [He laughs.]
Evan: There we go. [He looks back towards the camera.]
Jeff: And we are going to start taking a long journey of all the questions you have from our almost nine year running series that just ended at the beginning of this year, EverymanHYBRID.
Vince: And what is the hashtag?
Camerawoman: [to themselves] What is the hashtag...?
Vince: Because we've been harvesting all your questions from Twitter...
Jeff: We did.
Evan: EverymanHYBRID?
Vince: ... It's a hashtag.
Jeff: We have-- we did promote the hashtag #askEMH.
Evan: Ah, #askEMH.
Jeff: But that was quickly abandoned, because...
Vince: Was it?
Jeff: Well, I mean... Anyone responding to that initial tweet is really where we got this first batch from.
Vince: OK.
Jeff: So, going forward, we're still gonna to be going from there, but I think #askEMH is good.
Vince: Mmmkay. So, if you have any more questions, we're gonna continue doing this series at some point.
Jeff: Oh yeah, this will be a long endeavor.
Vince: [talks over Jeff] Umm, so... #askEMH. #askEMH. If you have any questions you want us to answer. [Evan points towards Vince.] Or we will ignore them, most likely.
Evan: Mhm. I will. I will ignore them.
Vince: OK. Here we go.
Jeff: So, we're going to start with "a weird Lisa". She asks...
Now that the narrative has closed, do you guys envision that the world of EMH ends with it like closing a book, or do the boys continue in a cycle where we're not there to see it? (1:43)[]
[Evan smacks his lips.]
Jeff: "With that..." Oh, wait, let's...
Vince: Are we going to do that first part?
Jeff: Yeah, first part.
Vince: [looks towards Evan] Are you gonna go first? I heard your mouth go.. [He mimicks Evan smacking his lips.]
[Evan flicks his tongue in the air a few times, as if licking something.]
Evan: So, uh, the question is...
Jeff: [talking over Evan] "Is the book closed?"
Evan: Yeah, "is the story--" "Is the book closed?" "Have their adventures come to a close?"
Vince: Mhm.
Evan: Or are they cycling through again and again essentially, with that whole circular idea?
Vince: Yep.
Evan: Um... I mean... [He sighs.] I know what I think, but I don't know-- I don't know if I want to answer that question.
[The video jumpcuts slightly into the future.]
Vince: Look at what has happened in the past.
[Evan looks towards the camera and nods.]
Vince: EMH has been happening since before you were able to view it. So, whatever you want to think about that.
Jeff: Infer what you will.
Vince: [talks over Jeff] That's your answer.
Evan: Yeah. I would say...
Vince: [holds a water bottle up to his lips] It's been happening for many, many iterations. [He takes a drink from the bottle.]
Jeff: (unintelligible) [He laughs.]
Evan: [talking over Jeff] I feel like that's a... That's a good way to put it, yeah.
[Vince stares beyond the camera for a moment. The camerawoman quietly chuckles and appears to mutter "stop".]
Jeff: It's almost like hubris to... imply otherwise.
Vince: Yeah.
Jeff: So, then, "with that..."
When did you settle on an ending? Was it meant to end this way from the start? (2:52)[]
Evan: [empathetically] No.
Vince: No.
Evan: It was not meant to end this way. The original ending was... I still-- I still will say this: it was a two hour conversation that I had with Vinny in my basement, on the phone.
Vince: Mhm.
Evan: And, we-- We decided upon... It was going to originally end with... [Evan raises his index fingers.] I kill... [He points towards Jeff.] Jeff, if I recall.
Vince: Mhm.
Evan: Then you shoot me? [He points between Vince and himself.] Was that it?
Vince: Hold on.
Evan: And then you are forced... Here's what I remember.
Vince: OK.
Evan: [pointing at Jeff] I kill Jeff.
Vince: Yes, I know that much.
Evan: [pointing at Vince] You... You, I think, kill me. [He points to himself.]
Vince: Mhm.
Evan: And then you are forced by Slenderman to... to put... to put that big fuck-off knife I had before we even started filming...
Jeff: [talking over Evan] That was the whole "justice's sword".
Vince: Yes.
Evan: [mimes putting a knife into his mouth, akin to a sword swallower] Swallow justice's sword, and he was going to shove it down his throat.
Vince: Yeah.
Evan: And we... It was going to originally supposed to be one summer's worth of story and then we were gonna be done.
Vince: Sure was.
Evan: And that was the original concept. Um... And then, of course, it just... [He makes an explosion sound.]
Vince: Yeah.
Evan: And became... Became all this other shit.
Evan: [gesturing with his hands] And then we all brainstormed, and he threw in some more things. [He points to Jeff.] "What about this, though?" [Evan mimes shooting a basketball.] And we're like: [He starts speaking in a raspy voice.] "Ohhhhh, that's pretty good..."
Vince: I was--
Evan: [talking over Vince] I would really like that--
Jeff: [talking over Evan and Vince] (unintelligible) with the ending fight, bringing that idea...
Evan: So, and-- No, no, I mean like...
Vince: Just in general.
Evan: [making a "in the past" gesture with his hands] Like back when we first--
Vince: Because this was like year one.
Evan: Yeah, this was in the very beginning, and then after we talked about it--
Vince: [looking towards Jeff, talking over Evan] (unintelligible)
Jeff: [interrupting Evan] Once we started... Once the ball was rolling.
Evan: Yeah, yeah. And then we all just kept throwing ideas, this... And it just started growing into this... Into this... amorphous thing that continued on. But the original concept was supposed to be short, sweet, and to the point. He swoops on these few unfortunate people who thought they were going to make a funny Slenderman video. Uh...
Jeff: Yeah.
Evan: And then, whoops, we all end up killing ourselves and each other, and then it's over. But I like how... We... And I don't think I'm wrong with this, but we kept a lot of that in the end.
Vince: [interrupting Evan] I was going to say-- I was going to say all of the themes were pretty much still there.
Evan: Yeah.
Vince: We pretty much just... [He starts chuckling.] We decided to vomit all over them and just make them way bigger than they were.
Evan: Yeah, yeah.
Jeff: The fight that happened and how it happened absolutely changed, but I think for the most part when we sat down and did that... like, its final rewrite two years into an almost, y'know, ten year project. That was what we set out to do, though. Like, that was just the trajectory that we followed at that point.
Vince: Yes.
Evan: Yeah. Yeah.
Jeff: So, "how" definitely changed. But, you said "theme", I think that was a good word. When we established that and agreed on that years ago, that was a driving force. That was the North Star.
[Evan makes an impressed face, points towards Jeff, and makes a noise.]
Jeff: [points to the camera] (unintelligible)
Vince: [talking over Jeff] Because I remember we had that original... [He turns towards Jeff, chuckling.] Stop!
[Evan points towards the camera and makes the noise again. Jeff scoots forward on the couch.]
Vince: We had that original idea, and then we almost immediately revised it to be like we kill each other. [He gestures with his thumb between himself and Evan.]
Jeff: Mhm.
Evan: Yeah.
Vince: You remember? Not like immediately, but within a couple of months. But after we had Jeff throw in his...
Jeff: Because we made it human(?) at that part.
Vince: Right.
Evan: Yeah.
Vince: And then we were like: [He puts on a excited voice.] "No, wait, what if... Like Slenderman was there, and he orchestrated it all, but you and me just go at it?"
Vince: "... we kill each other."
Evan: (unintelligible) the other time. Yeah, yeah, but I think... Even despite all of its changes and everything, at the end of the day, like... One of the ideas we had but we couldn't do was that I was going to throw that knife...
Vince: [nodding] Yeah.
Evan: ... that nicked Vinny. It was gonna go into his throat. [He points into his Adam's apple.]
Vince: Yes.
Evan: And he was going to be like: [He grabs his own throat with his right hand and makes a gesture as if asking for help with his left hand.] Gurk! Gurgle! Gurgle-hurgle! [He lets go.] And like... He still swallowed the sword. [Evan pounds his fist into his palm.]
Vince: Right.
Evan: But we just... We ran out of time, we couldn't get the right stuff to do it. It was, we all (unintelligible) just too much for us...
Vince: [talking over Evan] It was also a messy, rainy day.
Evan: Yeah, shit would've been falling off.
Jeff: There was a lot of things though, that... Original ideas and original effects that we wanted, like the dream effects that we wanted, we ended up not being able to do with our shoestring budget.
Vince: Of course.
Evan: Oh, yeah.
Jeff: But then that forced us to do something cooler...
Vince: Yes.
Jeff: ... and more basic, but we made it work.
Evan: Yeah, that--
Jeff: Like that happened a lot.
Evan: It forced us to be a bit more...
Vince: [interrupting] A bit more flexible.
Jeff: [interrupting] (unintelligible)
Evan: ... creative. And do more with less.
Vince: Yeah.
Evan: And I think then, instead-- It's like "oh, what about the show a little bit less?" or instead of it going into your throat and jamming into your throat, I believe we were like: "Well, what if it just like nicks you, and you were like..." [He mimes getting wounded on the side of his throat.] "Ow!" [He laughs.] Like, you know what I mean? Where I'm like "do-do-do!", action scene throw... [He mimes throwing a knife like an action movie hero.]
Vince: Right.
Evan: And instead of like, like... [Evan mimes the knife getting stuck in the center of his forehead, like a dart hitting a bullesye.] "Nailed it!" on his target... Instead of being awesome-- I just got shot, like I'm dying, so like... [He acts out throwing a knife without care or finesse.] And instead, it like, nicks him.
Jeff: [together with Evan, amused] Nicks him. Yeah, yeah.
Evan: And it's funny. And I think... And like making that, it brought back that humor that we like to use. I love-- I think it's essential in everything that we make.
Vince: And sort of... EMH has that theme every once in a while of like one little thing that you may think is totally inconsequential to the rest of the story... is this world shattering thing. Like this little tiny nick... He's like: [He mimes getting wounded by the knife.] "Oh, what the fuck?! You fucking bitch, let's fight!"
Evan: "Oops!" It's like--
Vince: It turns into that's the end of the series.
Evan: It's the most poisonous knife in the world.
Vince: Right. And I think we've done that a couple times. And I really like what you said about, just, having to do without. Cause I think a lot of the visually stunning stuff-- If we were just able to throw a knife through my throat...
Jeff: [chuckles]
Vince: We would've just been like "that's fucking it", it's visually stunning. That's all we need.
Evan: And it would've been cool, but like.. At the end of the day, I like... I like what we did more because it was more our style. It was simplistic, funny, stupid... And like--
Vince: [interrupts Evan] And there were tons of times where we had to do that. We couldn't just go with what looked gorey and cool because we couldn't do that.
Jeff: [talking over Vince and Evan] (unintelligible)
Evan: Yeah. We had to go-- And that's where I think our humor came in, but... I know this is-- We're getting way off topic, but uh...
Vince: No, that's... Jeff's editing it down, so...
[Evan laughs. Cut to a zoomed-in shot of Jeff's face - he is laughing. Cut back to the shot of all three on the couch.]
Evan: But the original question... Was that-- Was that-- [He pauses.]
Vince: [laughs] Jesus.
Evan: Was that the original ending? No, not even close.
Vince: Yeah.
Evan: This was years and years of...
Vince: [interrupting] We just took themes... We always took themes... [He mimes picking things up out of mid air.]
Evan: [making a cycling gesture] ... changing. And constantly changing.
Vince: And the themes always stuck with us, but the changes were just all--
[Jeff and Evan look at each other.]
Jeff: [interrupting] (unintelligible).
Evan: And the concept of us dying was a perpetual, non-negotiable...
Jeff: [speaking over Evan] No, no...
Vince: [speaking over Evan] Yes.
Evan: ... we all fucking die.
Jeff: I think that's important to establish.
Evan: Yeah.
Jeff: How between the three of us--obviously, I died earlier on--how we screwed each other or got screwed over by each other changed.
Vince: Mhm.
Jeff: But the helplessness of it all... That was from day one.
Evan: [pointing towards Jeff] Yes. The theme of--
Jeff: "Fuck their sadness."
Evan: I remember from the beginning... I remember saying that I wanted the theme to be "hopelessness". [He pounds his fist on top his other hand.]
Vince: Yep.
Evan: And I think we ended up holding on to that.
Jeff: [talking over Evan] I think we did hopelessness. [He laughs.]
Evan: Pretty fucking well. I remember "hopelessness". Because we're up against the worst-- Evan's like: [He puts on a macho voice and waves his arms he is flexing them.] "Oh, I'll go (unintelligible) and doing stuff. [He returns to his normal voice.] Vinny's like "I'm pretty fucking smart." Jeff is like "I'm hopeful! We got all this..." No, I want none of it to matter.
Vince: Yes.
Evan: And I think at the end of the day, it really-- it really did. And I thought it was--
Vince: [interrupting] And there were all-- They were all like, they all still had that at the end. But they were all so blinded by hopelessness.
Evan: Yeah.
Vince: And it was like "Well, fuck it, we're just dead. We're just going to die."
Evan: Fuck it.
Vince: We're just going to let all of our anger pour through, because there's--
Evan: [talking over Vince] And.. And that (unintelligible)--
Vince: At a certain point-- Hope doesn't mean shit if you're up against a god.
Evan: Yeah, exactly.
Vince: If you're up against the system, that's just like... No, it's like guess what, you're here to be fucked. Well, OK, I guess I'll be fucked. I don't know. What am I supposed to do?
Evan: Mhm.
Vince: Yeah, I love that.
Evan: [looks at Jeff] So, yeah, I think you're right. The main theme, the ideas we kept--
Evan: ... how we got to that point, (unintelligible) changed.
Vince: The plot points.
Jeff: (unintelligible) nature of the story inspires more of (unintelligible)
Evan: Yes, yes.
Vince: Yes.
Jeff: OK, so... I think my bit about the making effects work kinda ties into this next one by "Metal Gear Samus", who asks...
How much did the ARG elements affect the story's outcome? Did you have alternate endings or outcomes if the players had acted differently or been able to complete certain things? (9:37)[]
Whats the deal with the leaked videos? (15:34)[]
Jeff: So, uh, this is a little... You guys remember the video "Welcome to the Ark"?
Vince: Yeah.
Evan: Yes.
Jeff: "Operator One," asks, "So, what's the deal Whats the deal with this video? I think there were more videos like this that weren't on the actual EMH channel." I don't remember what he's talking about at all. I don't remember making that video.
Vince: Yes. Okay. So, so- (he laughs as Jeff puts his hand on his shoulder)
Evan: That was for the "Chiller" thing.
Vince: Yes.
Jeff: (to Evan, smirking) I don't remember making that video.
Evan: It was in my basement.
Vince: (amused) It's-
Jeff: I don't remember making that video.
Vince: (to Evan) It's not canon.
Evan: (to Jeff) Oh did you push it out buddy?
Vince: (to Evan) It's not canon.
Evan: Oh it's not?
Jeff: Oh no, yeah no, we, uh.. it was for a contest.
Vince: Realistically, here's, here's-
Evan: Yeah, it wasn't part of.. (unintelligible)
Jeff: I was making a funny and Evan let me down.
Vince: Here's the deal. Here's the deal for real.
Evan: (to Jeff) What?
Jeff: (amused) You let me down.
Vince: We made it-
Jeff: (waving hands) I "forgot" we made it.
Vince: -for a channel that no longer exists - no wait it does. I don't know. Fucking...
Evan: (to Jeff) What are you talking about?!
(Jeff laughs)
Vince: -called "Chiller"...
Evan: (to Jeff) It was in my basement!
(Jeff laughs more)
Vince: It was a horror channel-
Jeff: (quietly) There were two videos in your basement.
Vince: And, uh, they were doing a Halloween contest-
Evan: We did a lot of videos in my basement!
Vince: And they wanted short videos-
(Jeff does a "calm down" motion with his hand.)
Jeff: It's a bit.
(Evan laughs)
Vince: So we made that to submit to this "Chiller" channel. We didn't get on Chiller, but we released a couple of other videos, because we were like, "Fuck it! Different timelines." And we just wanted to have fun, so.
Evan: Yeah.
Vince: That's where they came from. The- (A fan of some sort starts making a noise and Vince smiles.) Don't worry about that, you can't hear any of that.
Evan: (amused) Can't hear the screams.
Vince: Um, yeah. So that's where that came from. They were just sort of fun videos that we wanted to put up. That one in particular we entered into a contest, and we thought, "Why not just leave them up, because everything sort of doesn't matter timeline-wise anyway.
Evan: True.
Jeff: In a lot of ways, they serve as like, "concept art" for the series...
Vince: Yeah.
Evan: That's- you know, that's an interesting point, yeah. A lot of the- a lot of the show was us experimenting, and that... that is, yeah, that was an experiment-
Jeff: I mean, it's all there-
Vince: Right.
Jeff: Even in the narrative of timelines and iterations, it could very well fit in the timeline, but we never... when the show was running, when the game was running, we never addressed that because they were thematically relevant, but it wasn't enough to... we'd have to force our hand on it, on the issue. And really, why we did the contest was- how could would it be on the stray off-hand chance that a viewer of ours is watching whatever it was, SciFi or...
Vince: Chiller.
Jeff: Chiller! But yeah, it doesn't exist any more - you know, at midnight around Halloween time, and they see the frickin' EMH boys running away from the Rake or Slenderman. It's like...
Vince: (to camera, tongue-in-cheek) Chiller, this is why you failed.
Evan: We tried. We tried to help you.
Jeff: We just wanted that real-world connection.
Vince: Remember how we were talking about choices, Chiller?
Evan: (to Jeff) The video was terrible though, let's be honest. It was god awful. Compared to "The Salesman"? There was no way we were gonna win.
Vince: Well we also-
Evan: That was incredible.
Jeff: Oh, compared to the, the nazi zombies, and the...
Evan: Oh my god, some of them were amazing.
Jeff: There were incredible entries in that contest.
Evan: Yeah. No, and ours was awful. It was a, it was a bad video, let's be honest. But! A lot of our earlier videos were bad.
Jeff: (laughing) Yeah no, it was a rough couple of-
Evan: They were not good!
Jeff: Rough first year.
Evan: We were learning as we... We were learning to run on the way down the hill.
Jeff: Yes.
Evan: You know what I mean?
Jeff: I mean, Vinnie and I though... I mean, I di- When we all met up, or when we were editing the late videos, we had just the old stuff running on, it's like, there were traces of stuff that made me proud of us. Like, there was stuff early on that I'm still proud of, but... a lot of- it is hard to go back, knowing what we know now, to watch.
Vince: Oh for sure. For sure.
Jeff: (amused) Number one being the aspect ratio on the first dozen videos.
Vince: Oh, Jesus Christ, dude. (pause, then to Evan) Go take a look - I know it's been a while. Go take a look at some of our original videos-
Evan: (explaining to camera) I don't know what an "aspect ratio" is.
Vince: No, you'll- you'll see.
Jeff: (amused) You'll know what an aspect ratio is just by looking.
Vince: When our heads are like this cut off... (he holds a hand up to his nose) And it's like, why are we just looking at the mouth?
Evan: (laughs) Haha, like, off the screen?!
Vince: Because the original videos weren't like that! It's just that when we uploaded them or when we edited them, we like, fucked up the way that the video... was in the video? I guess is the way to put it? (Evan laughs)
Jeff: (laughing) We broke the video.
(Evan laughs)
Vince: So it was just giving us like, this up- (he gestures up from his nose) - and we just left it I guess cos we thought it was okay.
Evan: I think, I think it's important to say: I was not involved at all in the editing of any of those videos.
Vince: He wasn't.
Evan: I was- I was actually not-
Jeff: If he was, it wouldn't be an issue.
Vince: Yeah, it would've been great.
Evan: I was barely allowed to touch the camera, I do believe-
Vince: That's true.
Jeff: You're not a good camera guy.
Evan: Because I have a tendency to press the incorrect buttons.
Vince: To press.
Evan: And do things wrong.
What happened to Steph and/or her actress? (19:18)[]
Vince: Alright, what've we got? Jeff: So next one we got "Fruitboymanic" I love the name asking what happened to Steph and her actress? is there a reason she never showed again bla bla even in the reset? Vince: Long story short people have lives people move away that's it literally Jeff: Yeah no I mean in the last two years of production we kinda like put our heads together like lets finish this thing off and like I think we had our friend Greg(?) try to help us with as being slenderman one day and that was like one of four times the cops became an issue [Evan says yeah and starts laughing] and we didn't get in any trouble they were we heard sirens and stuff at the hospital property we we're at where like it doesn't Evan: Oh yes! Jeff: We drag other people into our mess Evan: Yeah Jeff: we're gonna save them the hassle and save ourselves the heartbreak you know ruined footage and do it ourselves and you know always the million thanks to the people who have helped us and my commander who's currently holding the camera Evan: Thanks Camerawoman: I never I never never hit record [Evan chuckles and groans] Vince: I had to check I had to check to make sure
If we wanted to solve the mystery, do we have all the pieces? Or is there more to come? (20:24)
Jeff: Okay yeah so supersupersugar1985 asked if we wanted to solve the mystery do we have all the pieces or is there more to come? Evan: I personally would say that you have probably 90% of what you need and the rest Vince: So I would argue to say that there is no definitive 100% because we really did treat this as a reality like writing it, filming it and that sounds like like being pompous but really we were never like here's the story the story goes from point A to point B it was like here's what the characters are doing in this world so like there never is a 100% of the story because there's stuff that like we thought about that never made it into anything but they could still infer from Evan: I took it as I took it as to understand what the fucks going on that's what I Vince: Yeah 100% you can understand Evan: Yeah Jeff: Okay that's a good point Evan: But I guess to know every detail of what what has has happened [Vince: In this iteration] everything that they went through I think you're right no there there is no Jeff: I'm gonna say something to Evan I'm gonna cut this don't don't cut its all takes is quick asking... [audio is cut from 12:33-12:48] Evan: And your cutting this right? Jeff: Yeah Evan: Okay Jeff: And now we will come back from the cut that was satisfying you just nodded before we did that! [Evan shakes his head] I hate you Evan Oh he just talked about like Wendy's or somethin' Vince: Yeah Jeff: Oh yeah no we're sponsored buy Wendy's buy Wendy's [Unintelligible] Evan: It will make you sick Jeff: I literally just got a little sick thinking about that night in the kitchen Evan: It was bad its disgusting Jeff: We' were sitting out with the fire all night and I'm eating just hearing you chew it in the silent kitchen Evan: It was very good though like the food was bad but I love the situation for it Vince: In short everything that you need Evan: Pretty much yeah Vince: You can figure it out you just have to frame it right and watch all of it over and over and over again Evan: And get your shit together Vince: Get about 30,000 friends to subscribe too cuz once we have a hundred thousand we get like a plaque so that's very important to the story Jeff: They'll help you figure out this Vince: When we get a plaque you will know the whole story I guarantee Evan: Why do we want dirt on our teeth? [Evan bangs his hands on his lap] Sin! It was a knee-slapper!
Did Habit have a set motive other than fucking with the EMH boys? (22:56)[]
Jeff: I think this kind of ties into that whole the big questions it's like theobserveruwu Vince: I'm not anwsering this question Evan: Yeahh I dont wanna do it this is just you this is your Jeff: Okay fine! Did HABIT have a set motive other than to fuck with the EMH boys? I guess we cant know next question Evan: No I mean you wrote that question Jeff "UWU" is that youre whole stupid fucking thing Evan: Alright so what's the question again? Jeff: Did HABIT have a set motive other than fucking with the EMH boys? I think that kinda ties Vince: Yes yes Evan: Do we wanna say?
Was there any time the crew bgot scared or startled during filming? (25:03)[]
What happened to Jessa? We know she was 'disappeared' but what actually happened? (33:14)[]
Jeff: She was taken by Slenderman...?
Vince: (smirking): Can I, can I just... can I please...?
Evan: 'Kay.
Vince: Guys! Listen. (He laughs) Please, listen. Watch the video. All of them! From start to finish. But then listen to the video where she fucking dies! (All laugh) She's gone. Taken by Slenderman.
Evan: Can I add a little bit more?
Vince: Sure.
Evan: She was torn from her body. Does that help? It was similar to Alex. Her arms were ripped off. (Potentially joking/non-canon.)